Perfect Wave

I didn't expect to find you there
Your beautiful song filled the summer air
I watched you from afar
Knew you were something of a star

You swept me into your current
Into a whirl of blue and white
I can't swim out
You sucked me into the light
There is no doubt
My life's forever changed
You're a picture perfect wave inside my brain

You saw me dancing in the dark
Stories painted from hands like art 
Smiling uncontrollably and free
I couldn't explain what happened to me
But everyone could see I was acting like a fool
There's a secret he's hiding
he can't possibly love you

What should I do?
I can't go more than a day with out writing a letter to you
Help me understand what's happened to me
I'm wrecked upon the rocks
Clothes ripped and shredded 
You're splashing me with songs
I feel like I'll never forget this
You've washed me up 
upon your shore
You're a singing pirate siren
and I can't take it any more
Lift me up and float me home
I'll never live again
I'm broken and fore lorn 

Part of a Creative Writing Project: Letters to Geographer 2015-2016

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