Free Write from Presidio Swing

human flight
pinecones clumped together
top of the hill
on the little swing
reminds me of Lake Michegan
Pinetree's grace
wait wait wait 
grey, tan, green
yellow ropes
The lost art of reading nature's signs
I am harmless, like a butterfly
if you hurt me
karma is on my side
I am your friend
I'll help you if you help me
none of this "rat eat rat" epiphany 
Love is love, they shout lately
But I can't even tell down from up
Lady with 5 dogs shouts warning me,
"swinging causes a reaction
in that tree"
one dog with sad black eyes glances up
As if maybe I'm harboring his long lost pup
breezy afternoon in the city of dreams
will I ever see you again?
For that is really all I think of
my long lost friend.
And here comes the sun
peeking through white
birds chirp high up in the sky
The tower disappears in the rushing fog
these days I can only feed my hunger with a song
spinning motion
feet off the ground
I wonder why life takes us away with out a sound
It's not as if music plays when you die
It only beats when you feel alive
My purse gets caught on the Presidio swing
Can you find me the answers to keep it all balanced?
"I don't think so", says the swing
I think life is always stop and go
There is no such thing as balance here
There is only change left when the end is near

Part of a Creative Writing Project: Letters to Geographer 2015-2016

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