Carpool Rhyme

I am still here
I still love you
I will not let you down
I am your eternal clown
Carpool (Rhyme)

Peace, fog, green tea
Your Divisadero ride thrills me
I am coming San Francisco
You won't see me dancing slow
Endless motion fuels my heels
and the spin of my wet wheels

You've become a part of me
I dream of exploring the city
haunting the hills until I find you
singing a song of love so true

It's as simple as the bridge
It guides us though the fog
Like a railing we lay hands upon
Even darkness of city lights
Challenge us to reunite

People have laughed at my box
Called me polluter and albatross
They somehow think they understand the role we are playing
In this ocean draped land
but they don't know a thing
They don't know how I sing
They don't realize I know what I need
A dark friend to haunt and a need for speed
Night rider, highway driver, rest stop gal
I've stopped looking for my long lost pal
I just want to carpool with you friend
It's extraordinarily more efficient

Part of a Creative Writing Project: Letters to Geographer 2015-2016

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