In the Studio Today... Environmental Art;
Beacons of Hope

2 Glass milk bottles from Strauss Family Creamery, California.
Two weeks ago, I began another small effort to remove waste from our landfills; giving up milk cartons. I decided that milk cartons are pretty big, we use a lot of them (by the time my sons turn 18, we would have potentially used over 2 thousand milk cartons), and because they are plastic-coated, they can't possibly be eco-friendly. I decided to start buying milk in glass bottles, and it has been fun, educational for my kids, and the bottles are so pretty. Perhaps I will paint a still-life soon, with these lovely bottles. Environmental Art is often beautiful and educational. Here is a link I found online enititled, "20 Unforgettable Works of Environmental Art". For a link to what artist's do with trash in San Francisco, have a look at the Artist in Residence program at the SF Dump.

One of my sons has increased his consumption of milk in the last 2 weeks because the milk just tastes better. I love it too. The milk is from an organic dairy farm in the Pt. Reyes National Seashore, about a 40 minute drive from our home. Happy cows, by the seashore, grass-fed and organic must be making the difference in taste. When I took the boys to the store to return the bottles and get our new milk, they were so excited. This is definitely a trend that should continue as people reach toward a greener future. Progress moves in waves. We were there already, now we have to step back a bit. Here is a post I found online about the return of the glass milk bottles in New York City.

For more information, please visit the following links:
Information on Nurdles and the dangers of Plastic in our Environment
Judith Selby Lang's "Nurdle Art"
Flickr Photos of Glass Bottles around the World


Sara said...

Thanks for the link! :)

Anonymous said...

I love your art allot but dislike the constant injection of your personal politics. Business is business, personal politics is for sharing outside of the business. Politics, personal opinions, and business do not mix.

I feel your artistic talent could make you allot more money if you kept it purely professional.

C. Proppé said...

To Anonymous, who does not like the injection of my personal politics into my art blog,

Thank you for your feedback, but I quite disagree. I see myself as a type of environmental artist. I paint images of land and nature in hopes to save the open spaces and earth that we do have left, often giving over 50% of my proceeds back to environmental causes. My art is not really about making money; it is about personal expression and a need to contribute what I can.

Thanks for the feedback, though. I'm sorry you left this as an anonymous commment. This sounds like something my brother might have written. You are not the only one who would say this, I'm sure.

Thank goodness I get plenty of enjoyable feedback about what I choose to share on my blog.


Anonymous said...

So how do you afford to live in Marin with your warm and fuzzy give back to nature Mother Theresa attitude?

C. Proppé said...

What people don't seem to understand about Marin County is that it is not all inhabited by wealthy individuals. Certainly, there is wealth, but there are more people living here with moderate to low income means, including farmers, teachers, doctors, hair stylists, retailers, and lots of artists. Many people rent their homes or live in apartments or townhouses. Many people share duplexes. Drive down most streets in Marin and you will find a mixture of older people, some single, lots of single parents, and many young families. It is not a place you can say is not affordable if you are willing to live with less. I live in a very small rental home. It is nothing like what I grew up with, but I have given up many luxuries in order to be close to open spaces, and yes, paint. Climb a mountain, ride my bike in a safe space, run around a pristine lake, while still having access to good public schools for my children. My family has very little means actually, but we love where we live, and it makes a huge difference. We try to live outside the box. I so value the community and the people that live here, and I really find it upsetting that you could assume that Marin is inhabited by primarily wealthy people. It certainly is not how you describe it. I am sorry that you see it that way. We often don't know a place at all until we emmerse ourselves in that community. Don't judge a book by it's cover, I believe the saying goes.