In the Studio Today... "Land Art" Leaf Flags

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Land Art: Leaf Flags I |Marin 365; Day #72, originally uploaded by cproppe.

Camelia petals and yellow leaves from a Mock Orange tree in our backyard... inspired by Richard Shilling's work.

Continuing on my effort to create "Land Art", I tried to make some leaf flags, such as those in Richard Shilling's book, but it was really HARD! As I slit the branches to feed the leaves in, they would loosen and the leaves I'd already feed through would move or fall out. Instead of cutting them square and fitting them through two branches, I decided to just go with what was working, which was simply leaving them in the branch where they would rest. It looked pretty just the way it was, so I went with it. Also, Richard uses thorns to seal the branches together, and keep the leaves from falling out. I was happy not to have to use any thorns for this project. : )

Later this month, I will be working with 60 second graders on "Land Art" as part of their YES Foundation Fundraiser, to raise money for art, music and PE at their public school. I have been practicing projects to see what is doable with the kids. This might work, if we have enough time and good light. Our end result will be turned into notecard sets, with photos of the "Land Art" the kids create on the front of the cards. The sale of the notecards will help pay for the kids' school art, music and PE. If you would like to purchase a set of notecards, please contact me and you can help the kids with their fundraising efforts!

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