In the Studio Today... "Land Art"; Ankylosaurus

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ankylosaurus; Dinosaur Land Art, originally uploaded by cproppe.

Made in the backyard this afternoon with my son, who is studying dinosaurs in 2nd grade. This had to be the weirdest weather day ever in Marin; Rain, sun, rain, sun, rain, sun, cold, hot, cold, hot... now it's pouring and windy. When I made this, it was sunny but very windy, and I had to shield it with my body every time the wind blew... As soon as I took the photos, it blew away....


Mock Orange Tree leaves (dying yellow, and green)
Red and Orange Leaves from trees outside my son's doctor's office today
1 eucalyptus leaf for the tail
1 Sycamore Seed Pod (tail end) and stick to hold it up
Eucalyptus Seed Pods for spine
1/2 Acorn top for eye, and Mock Orange Seed for eyeball
Patience and ability to enjoy simplicity of things, essential

I also spent some time with 40 second graders today, sharing "What is Land Art?" from Richard Shilling's website, and they looked at Andy Goldsworthy books. I shared some materials I brought from my yard this morning... petals, berries, vines, seed pods... and they immediately wanted to get started, making things. Our project is set for next week, after Easter. I look forward to seeing what the kids come up with.

1 comment:

Kate Peper said...

Dear Colleen!

I love that you had to shield the leaf dino from the wind, and just like an Andy Goldsworthy creation, it blew away later! It's all so wonderfully ephemeral.

Wonderful and colorful!
Can't wait to see more : )