In the Studio Today... "Land Art"

January 7, 2010

4 Colour Sun Wheel, originally uploaded by ...escher....

The creator of "Land Art" books for kids, website, and blog emailed me today on Flickr to ask if they could use one of my images. My son was doing basic "leaf rubbings" in the photo.

I clicked through the Flickr set "Colors" by Richard Shilling, and was astonished to find a remarkable set of colorful items, made only with items from nature. "Land Art" for kids... It is a great series of "to do" projects you can create with kids of all ages.

I LOVE IT! I am hoping to create a series of these projects with kids in the Spring for our YES Classroom Art Projects, that raise money for the YES Foundation. Stay tuned... and in the meantime, check out the website and the Flickr sets!

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