In the Studio Today: Salt Point Still Life

May 29 - June 2, 2012
photo of tafoni and muscle shell at Salt Point State Park, CA
This still life painting was inspired by the geology, flora and fauna of Salt Point State Park, North of Jenner and South of Gualala, California. The oil painting is 24" x 24" and includes tafoni sandstone formations, red abalone, rhododendrons, a muscle and a snail.

Salt Point State Park includes the Kruse Rhododrendron Preserve, an underwater park where sea life is protected, Gerstle Cove, where divers and kayakers can be seen, hunting for abalone, and the tafoni rock formations. We had a wonderful camping trip here this Memorial Day weekend. View more photos from our trip here.   One of my sons wrote a 4th grade, "California Report" on the park.  Click here to read his report and learn more about the significant history of Salt Point State Park, and how it relates to the streets of San Francisco.

The painting on a wall(note the 2" thick gessoboard with natural edges):


liza myers said...

Beautiful! Great energy. And you caught the magical luminescence of the abalone shell in a few simple brush strokes. Kudos!

Robin Pedrero said...


C. Proppé said...

Thank you, Robin! So nice to get a couple comments on the blog. :)

C. Proppé said...

Thank you, Liza. One of the most amazing things about painting is that we paint the color and shapes we see up close, and then when we step back to view... It can be magical. :). I did not think I could paint an abalone shell when I started! Surprised even myself.