In the Studio Today... Silent Auction Update

As of 5/20, there are currently 3 paintings with active bids:
You may now view the paintings and bids online, and place your bid online. I will update the bidding sheets at the Two Bird, every Monday until June 23rd. There are still more than 30 days to go. As someone said to me today, "Colleen, what if Spirit Rock goes for $500? I bet the frame cost more than that!" I have to trust in the process; with four weeks to go, a lot can happen. I am happy to see the bidding has started! Please email me if you would like me to send you a pdf file/price list for the auction. You may also bid by calling the Two Bird at (415) 488-0105, and of course by visiting the Two Bird Cafe for Breakfast, Lunch, Brunch or Dinner!

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